New album.Posted On January 5, 2007Jon’s next album is entitled “Steel Guitar Heart Attack” and it’s release date is set for March 13th 2007.More details to come…Comments 2 comments Reply 2 thoughts on “New album.” Gavin says: January 18, 2007 at 1:25 amAny plans to have a nifty album release par-tay at Stinkweeds? I see gin, fondue, and sandwich cookies. Reply Otto Khera says: February 18, 2007 at 8:01 pmJon, I saw you last night at the Henry Fonda Theatre with, of course, Neko Case —Great show! You are great musician and appear surrounded by great people too– cheers! ReplyLeave a ReplyCancel reply Your email address will not be published. Name Email Website Comment Age Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This will add a cookie to your device, by clicking you consent to this cookie.I am not a robot.Post Comment Required fields * ΔThis site uses Akismet to reduce spam.Learn how your comment data is processed. By submitting this form you consent to this.
Gavin says: January 18, 2007 at 1:25 amAny plans to have a nifty album release par-tay at Stinkweeds? I see gin, fondue, and sandwich cookies. Reply
Otto Khera says: February 18, 2007 at 8:01 pmJon, I saw you last night at the Henry Fonda Theatre with, of course, Neko Case —Great show! You are great musician and appear surrounded by great people too– cheers! Reply
Any plans to have a nifty album release par-tay at Stinkweeds? I see gin, fondue, and sandwich cookies.
Jon, I saw you last night at the Henry Fonda Theatre with, of course, Neko Case —
Great show! You are great musician and appear surrounded by great people too– cheers!