Steel Guitar Heart Attack reviews

Couple of nice reviews for Jon’s latest album are up on the interweb

…when Jon Rauhouse steps out solo, he has a timeless sound that beguiles anyone who hears it…Whether he’s conjuring some epochal style or offering a faithful rendition of steel guitar music, Rauhouse transcends boundaries and generations to be the new king of Margaritaville. – Wade Coggeshall at Nuvo

Neko Case’s pedal steel player stretches out over a gauntlet of genres…buy it for its own merits, then sit back and enjoy. – Grant Britt at Creative Loafing


1 thought on “Steel Guitar Heart Attack reviews”

  1. Mike avatar Jon Roanhaus says:

    Hey, Jon –

    Recently, a fellow music maniac advised me of your existence. This friend’s nickname is Billy Zoom and I would suspect you may know of a musician with that name.

    Anyway, this name thing is becoming scary.

    I will have to buy your most recent album, though I know little about your music other than the 30 second clips I downloaded on We hauses have to stick together.

    By the way, there is another person with my surname whose first name is John. God do work in mysterious ways.

    Separated at birth?

    Best wishes,

    Jon Roanhaus, Snohomish, Washington

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